P手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Patcom System Limited

ABOUT US As an I.T. solution provider, Foresight Technology Co. Ltd. offer cost-effective and total solutions that enable companies to achieve smooth business result. Foresight Tech. concentrates on
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DKVN is a software development & consultation company, which was established by in 1995. Our Service include Network Integration, Project Management, System Development, System Design, Multimedia

ITOS Resources aims to provide a wide range of IT technical supports and solutions to varies kinds of business and organization. By providing a single point of contact to clients for resolving all pr

Established in 2003, ETIC facilitates the transfer of e-business technologies developed by the University’s E-Business Technology Institute (ETI) to the market and has made significant progress
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our extensive professional services include application development,internet/e-commerce enablement,as well as network design and implementation with particular focus on performance and security.
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Itech Consulting Services Limited

Our Services In the last five years REDEV has syndicated more than 20 plazas in Alberta and Ontario to more than 2000 investors (as partners). REDEV has more than 25 years experience in real estate d

Company profile United Networks is operated by United Network Solutions Limited, which was formed by I.T. experienced professionals with over 18 years backgrounds in information systems management an

0Over the past years, GML has held many road shows at various venues in Hong Kong to increase customer awareness of the quality stock the company has on offer
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手機程式開發,免費報價,歡迎查詢。提供各類網絡應用程序(web Application)開發,配合並擴展你原有系統功能。

Our security co. licence no. is 0672. We make sure the buildings operate more smoothly. We help the owners' corporation to handle their job duties.Help the neighbors to have a good relationships. We
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www.globalpowertech.com.hk 思考到了一個澆水系統 如果你一直在考慮一個系統,無論安裝或使別人對自己,讓我們知道。我們可以幫助設計和安裝說明地下自動灑水系統。 還有很多的工作,把一個系統,但如果你是一個狂熱的一切事情都需yourselfer您可能有能力把自己的系統中。最重要的部分是獲得資料的權利。如加侖每分鐘可從您的水源,無論是泵或城市供水。大小的草坪作為一個整體,並劃分
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Global Win Vehicle Co., Ltd. from China, is a subsidiary company of WKK group, Our group wholly controls or partly invests into 5 factories which are having more than 50 various products in 5 series

iPhone/iPad application design

I providefreelance website development and maintaining services since 2004. The programming languages we used : PHP, ASP, JAVA, javascript,Ajax, jquery, XML, HTML, CSS Database : MYSQL, MSSQL System

Healthcare Infection Prevention Endoscopy Surgical Product Scientific Sterilization Micro Biology Filtration System Material Testing Civil Engineering Domestic Infection Prevention Drinking Water Sys
S商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Skytec Scientific Ltd

我們以專業的精神為顧客提供優質及A-CLASS的服務。本公司亦因此而命名。 A-CLASS資源實力雄厚,業務穩健發展。公司架構完整,具有豐富清潔及管理經驗,明白到客人真正需求及市場狀況,可免費為客人度身訂做出最適合的清潔服務及提供專業意見。我們今日的成就,全賴團體精神及員工上下一心。他們專注每項工作,務求令客戶對服務稱心滿意。 A-CLASS的文化及管理方式有別於其它傳統清潔公司: 1.注重與客
A商業 / 清潔及滅蟲A-Class System Company Limited Professional Cleani

Business System Forum BSF由資深企業諮詢師及員工心態輔導師趙儉豪先生,於2007年4月創立此網上訊息平台,目的推廣商業系統的學術交流,培育員工及增強企業管理文化。BSF得到香港專業管理協會 (HKMA) 企業項目顧問團,及多間國際認證機構的協力及支持,提供商業系統的審核活動學術交流及具學術資歷的培訓課程。 商業系統搜羅國際標準化組織International Organi
商業 / 會社、組織及團體商業系統學術網

九狐直銷軟體 是一家提供直銷軟體,直銷管理軟體的專業性軟體發展公司,軟體主要採用 J2EE 和 .NET 二種網路體系架構,同時兼有 PHP 和 ASP 語言開發的版本,以滿足不同客戶的需求。所有操作都是在網路上進行( web 版 / 網路版),安裝十分簡單,只需要申請一個功能變數名稱和空間 ( 國內或國外空間 ) 就可以使用。 我們的直銷軟體管理系統包括 " 公司辦公平臺 &quot
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